Disclaimer : Our software suite is currently in beta, and we’re regularly rolling out new features.

Check out this page for more details.

Storytelling & Worldbuilding

The ultimate companion for Game Masters

Streamline your game management while maximizing player immersion

Amsel Suite
I want it!

A software suite designed by and for Game Masters.

Amsel is crafted to meet the specific needs of Game Masters who want to maintain full control over their storytelling while freeing themselves from the paperwork.

Whether you’re a seasoned RPG veteran or starting your first campaign, our Software, Tome and Lore, is here to make your life easier.

Storytelling Tome


Keep track of your story.

Tome brings together all the chapters and scenes of your non-linear story, all the decisions made by your players, all your notes, all your characters and places, and much more.

Tome lets you focus on what matters: the story, the atmosphere, and the fun!

Worldbuilding Lore


Build your own world.

Many stories rely on a deep universe to support them. Lore can help you create your own, and every minute detail within it.

Lore allows you to create a veritable encyclopædia about your world, using fully-customizable templates that can accomodate every universe.

Amsel Suite
Yes, optimize my gaming experience!

Early Beta

Master your campaigns, optimize your sessions

Amsel lets you focus on what matters most: the joy of playing and creating immersive worlds for your players.

With its advanced features, there’s no need to juggle spreadsheets and scattered documents. You can manage everything from a single platform with an intuitive and fully customizable interface.

  • Organize complex plots

  • Track character evolution

  • Track quests and player choices

  • check

    Centralize and link all documents

  • check

    Enrich your game world

  • check

    Dynamic scenario management

Amsel Suite
Pre-order the Amsel Suite

What Game Masters are saying about Amsel

A huge thank you to our community who has supported us from the very beginning. It’s thanks to you that we’ve come this far!

We wish you all the most unforgettable of adventures!


For me, I can feel so much potential radiating from this software. Every time I use it I get more excited about it!

A Beta tester, about 0.1


Yup… exactly what they said it was going to be; highly modular, intuitively designed, elegantly interconnected - HUGE amount of potential and as you say, nothing else like it on the market.

A Beta tester, about 0.1

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